Nazret Mogtama3 نظرة مجتمع

I’m a 20 year old Muslim Egyptian girl who was born and raised in Dubai. However, I visit my home country every year (…). In my family, I’m the only girl who is not wearing a Hijab and I get judged for that – ‘a girl who doesn’t fulfill her religious duties’. It used to affect me before, but [their] words don’t really define me! They don’t define the way I was raised knowing my religion, and they don’t define my relationship with Allah.

This artwork displays the image of a non-Hijabi girl who is surrounded by many books however she chose to read the Qur’an. (…) I was inspired by the style of photography and writings of the Egyptian novelist, Ahmed Mourad.


Title: Nazret Mogtama3 (Society’s look)
Dimensions: 210 x 297 mm
Media: Photography

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